Dr Christopher Moore is an experienced Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist who works at the Hurstwood Park Neurological centre at Haywards Heath (14 years) and has a private practice at the Oving Clinic, Chichester. He previously held Consultant posts in Manchester and Portsmouth. Dr Moore trained at St Thomas Hospital London BSc, MB BS, and the University of Manchester PhD. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.

Dr Moore offers a range of diagnostic tests for neuromuscular diseases and nerve injury including nerve conduction and electromyography. He is extremely person focused in his approach to understanding and investigating the problems faced by his patients.

He has specialist interests in nerve injury and repair, especially carpal tunnel syndrome and ulnar neuropathy, and primary neuromuscular diseases including myasthenia gravis and motor neurone disease.

Dr Moore completed a research thesis at the University of Manchester on brain adaption to nerve injury and repair. He was awarded the Gordon Holmes prize by the Royal Society of Medicine for his research. He has published more than twenty peer reviewed research papers and has co-authored three editions of a book for medical students. He has been an invited lecturer and session chair at many National, European and International conferences.

Fellow of Royal College of Physicians.
Medical Protection Society.
Previously chair of the clinical standards committee and international teaching
course organiser for the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology.